Thursday, July 8, 2010

not sure what to say...

Good morning. I am sure you have noticed that I haven't been on in a couple of days....

I am not sure why, really, except my days have been full and very blessed. I am somewhat a list person, so let me just rattle off a little list of the things that have been going on since Back2Back staff, Jessica and Ruby have been here.

-village church
-market and grocery shopping
-running and Hillcrest showing
-Rukuba children's home viewing
-Gidan Bege ministry, getting dresses made (the picture above is of both of them looking at dress styles
-staff meetings and planning times
-downtown zoo (funny stuff being attacked by animals, at one point I thought I was losing my son to a baboon attack - fear at the time, funny now...)
-souvenir shopping
-having friends and family over for dinner
-seeing friends (pastoral visit)
-showing the village property and the Oasis center
- having quiet times on the rocks
- visiting OLA

I do want to stop on this one because when we went yesterday afternoon I was floored to see two more children gone. These two were picked up by their dads (Fumi and Moses). Please pray for them as it can be such a gift to be brought back into your original family, and it can sometimes hard as well. I trust in Sister Fidelia and her best intentions for each child under her care. I have a lot of pictures of our time and interactions with these children. I have a feeling that we will be spending more time there next week as my friends embraced each child brought to them. So much love and care and I just kept thinking it was the perfect day to go since this home is dwindling in numbers and the ones left behind need encouragement. We are taking them to the pool on Saturday as a ministry and giving them lunch. So I will get back to you more about these particular kids who have stolen my heart.

Our pastor came to visit us and greet our friends this past week. I like the idea that this still happens here. Now, culturally, it is appropriate to feed guests who come to visit, so I had just made my husband a sandwich, which I so quickly gave to our pastor...... heehee poor John.

I know I am writing a lot on this one, but I don't really know what to say and when that happens I end up saying too much. I don't know what to say because I am not sure how to express the fullness of my days and heart. My spirits have been lifted and conversations have been glorifying to the Lord, life is being lived to the fullest and I know I am blessed. Blessed to have such great staff and friends to live life with, ministry that my children can be brought in on and people who surround me and want me to go deeper in my current walk with the Lord. Just by their questions, I am spurred on to move forward continually.

So, not knowing what to say and saying too much happen with me, but thanks for all of you who have decided to give to others in some way, because I can tell you each and every time it makes a difference whether you feel it or not.....

God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. Okay.. one more comment!
    Your reflections and reflexive ability to find ministry everywhere is so encouraging.
    Praying for Moses and Fumi... hope the transition goes well for them.
