Sunday, July 11, 2010

reaching out to the older ola children

Saturday our staff team, along with two Mexico staff team members, chose to take the older OLA children to our property in Bassa. It was a great morning while we showed them a "Big Screen" movie (okay, really, it was a 25 minute veggie tale type of movie) and then we ate lunch with them and hiked and then had a water gun fight. We also had some of the Fulani children join in near the end which made it super fun to see the two "sets" of children interact.
It showed me that no matter where kids are from, at this younger age, kids are kids. It was a lot of fun seeing them just run around and play somewhere different than their own environment.

Because this children's home is receiving a lot more babies, we felt it necessary to love on these older ones, who are still young in their own rights, but end up caring for the babies more than they should have to. I am glad we could be there and just play with them.

FYI, there are some electrical problems on the main compound where our internet is located and because of that our internet is not working well. All of this is to say, we are having a hard time getting on line. For this reason, I will post as much as I can in this next week, but it will be off and on as internet allows.

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