Monday, February 7, 2011

far to go yet one of His own

I have been thinking about what pictures to bring your way or some deep insight that I could share that has been revealed to me, but truthfully, the only thing that has come to my attention over and over again is how far I have to go.

How far I have to go to grasp ministry in a third world country. How far I have to go in understanding relationships and how to serve those I care about the most. How far I have to go in the Bible of comprehending Old Testament characters and how my life can better bring God glory by gleaning truths from their lives.

BUT, with all this knowledge of how far I have to go, I end up coming to another truth and that is that Jesus loves me so much that He doesn't leave me at "how far I have to go" but brings me to my completeness and fullness in Himself so God only sees me as holy, refined and as one of His own.

Not only should I be living out this truth, but I should be believing this truth. There is a verse that has stuck out to me lately and I think it resembles where I am right now.

Exodus 33:15
"Lord, if your presence does not go with us, do not lead us up from this place."

Yes, looking at this now, this verse seems random compared to what I shared above. The thing is that I feel compelled to cling to the Lord more than ever and I am distracted in my clinging. I am refusing to leave the place before I have truly MET with Him. I am at a place of seeing how far I have to go.... but I want to live in a place that I am one of His own. It takes me completely clinging at this season of my life to believe what is already true of me.....

Anyway, no pictures today, just thoughts. I never know whether to use this blog for ministry, personal and/or family.... so with that, here is today.

1 comment:

  1. I related to Ex.33.15 completely, Corrie - I've felt that way many times before. I can't do this thing before me unless you're in it with me, Lord! Keep clinging, he WILL meet you, dear friend.
