Sunday, May 30, 2010


I kind of feel this way today (dark and ready to rain/cry). I haven't been blogging these last few days because the whole family is just not feeling great. We have had some stomach thing, some rashes, some nose/sinus thing and some sore throats, and lots of headaches. I remember when I was younger that I would hear older people say that they knew it was going to rain because they had a headache. I used to think that was a crock. I would kind of smile and think to myself, "I think it is crazy to give an excuse for your headache...." Well, I am now the "older" person and I am willing to commit to "man, my head hurts everyday during rainy season, I bet it is the weather."Even though my head hurts a lot and my family is needing some physical time to get adjusted to the change in seasons here (from dry season to rainy season), I still think it is absolutely beautiful to live here in this time.
We have also had a lot of missionary families and friends leave in the last couple of days. That is always a weird time to say goodbye, for some it is just a couple of months and for others it is permanent. The life of a missionary is super strange in the idea of constant transition and constant change and flexibility to live within those constant changes. So my heart can feel heavy with those strides of new and old coming in and out of my life.
But in the end, even if I feel heavy or my head hurts or my kids and John are sick and it is dark and rainy outside, you still have to admit it is gorgeous to look at the pictures. I am sure that in and of itself has a lesson for me.?
Have a great day and I will be returning tomorrow.


  1. Oh, girl! Praying for grace for the Guckenberger's during transition. Thank you for denying yourself and counting the cost to serve the Lord. I know He gives you great joy as you serve, but i know there are days that are hard. May grace abound during rainy season! Praying for you!

  2. Praying for sometime for you to listen and here from the Lord at this time. Time to adjust, time to seek Him, reflect? Praying that God will bring you healing of body and soul. I love these pictures. Wish we could sit and pray for one another. Interesting enough our family has fought a stomach bug this weekend as well. Miss you my friend.
