Tuesday, May 11, 2010

misc. thoughts

Yesterday as we were going to OLA, we saw some fun pictures so we were able to get a shot at them, but ultimately in person, they are a lot better. The one to the left is of a station wagon that was loaded and I mean LOADED of plastic stuff: waste buckets, water cans, jerri cans, etc... I was blown away with the amount of items that can truly fit into one car.

This photo is of just a woman on a motorcycle with her baby strapped to her back. It is extremely common here, but I wish you could see it for yourself. I don't know if you can see that this little girl is actually sleeping with her head rolling back. Interesting, huh?

I have just two quotes for you this morning:
Daniel (new nigerian staff member), when asked what he wants to praise God for, his reply:
"I praise God for my sufferings."

Hope (little girl at OLA home): "I had a dream last night that these children came to visit (she was pointing to Gus). I am glad you came because it is has now made my dream come true."
Hope is the little girl in purple.
What do you think of the new look of the blog... just like to keep people guessing.


  1. Love the new blog colors!

    Love the quotes! Especially the first one because we are 'still there' in our suffering and it was a reminder I needed to praise Him for them, for Him, for meeting our needs, etc.

  2. Like the new blog look . . . just remember that the text background is GREEN :)) . . . so some colors don't show up well - like in the wedding post, a couple of those are hard to read . . . the side color green looks like something you would use for wall paint - very nice :))

  3. I follow as an RSS feed piped into Outlook. I get just text and pictures, no colors. Occasionally I visit the site. Very nice.
