Monday, July 5, 2010

one women's hospitality

This is Katerina and her daughter Jireh. Yesterday Katerina invited us all to go visit her at her home so we could show Jessica and Ruby a glimmer of the "commission" that her and her husband have been given from the Lord. It was such an encouraging morning. We went there going to "see" what the Lord is doing, but in the end, felt the encouragement of her obedience and experienced the Lord with the beauty of the land and the grace of her hospitality.The pictures below are of her home, and her "guest house" and the insides of it. The guest bathroom and the inside of it. We marveled at the simplicity of her hospitality and realized the deeper meaning of hospitality isn't having food in the right place (however we know the Lord uses this aspect as well) and lots of space to invite guests in, but it is in the conversations that are shared and the ministry of the Holy Spirit to encourage and direct in each individuals lives that are present.

The three of us girls sat there deeply encouraged to deepen our own walks with Christ and to stretch our faith to another level of trust and obedience as Katerina shared story after story of how God came through time and time again when there was no way out.

There are a couple of pictures below of the classroom they are using (it was their pantry) before something else is in place. And these young children are being taught how to read and write and we praise God for Beatrice (the teacher) who is willing to take time and energy to come alongside the "least of these" and prepare them for a future that still seems a bit fuzzy to them.

The last two photos are of their future building (bright red roof) that they are trusting the Lord to provide step by step. The other photo is an ariel shot of the future building, their house (the red and white striped roof) and the Fulani tribe behind them. We enjoyed hiking a bit around her place as she showed us around their property and showed us where her and her husband, Israel, go to pray most mornings, which is also where God has "shown up" more than once to minister to both of them.

I hope in the future you can see their ministry site and truly experience her hospitality as we were so blessed to have experienced yesterday morning.

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