Saturday, June 6, 2009

a new day

I am sitting here in the front lawn of the Back2Back House and it is beautiful outside.  The interns are prepping the property for our first group shows up tomorrow, some college students from Eastern Kentucky University.   I am excited for them to arrive.  It has been a week with our interns and they are great!   They are ready to work hard, to die to themselves, to be a shelter to our ministry areas and to the groups and it is time!
This morning we have been talking about there are so many good things to want to tend to, but we won't tend to them all quite possibly and that example was first from Christ.  He didn't heal everyone because he had a purpose and a will to follow.   He knew it and was purposeful to reach it unto completion.  I wish it were that clear for me.  I think I have some ideas of where to spend some of my energy, but things have been a little backward for me here in Nigeria.

Not backward bad, just surprising... on what things I should invest in and what things I maybe don't need to.  What areas I am finding I enjoy and what areas I find I still don't enjoy but are necessary.   Just growing up stuff and taking a step at a time.  Something I am learning about myself is I  like to resolve.  I was slowing down this week and discerning lots of random emotions and different interactions and as I was running, it dawned on me, we need to resolve to stay in the battle.  I need to resolve to keep honesty and transparency with my fellow co-laborers a priority.  I want to resolve to stay alert for the enemy for he prowls around like a roaring lion.  I want to resolve to fight the good fight so that at the end of summer there are no regrets.  I want to resolve to follow Christ first, then follow His leading.  I want to resolve to encourage, be kind, to believe the best in someone in front of me and to love when it is hard, not just when it is easy.  
I left to go running in one mindset this morning and I returned with a different one and I think it was a matter of choice.  I chose to change my mindset.  Typing this out makes it sound easy and yet it really isn't, is it?  And as much as I type it out I recognize my resolve will become challenged, discouraged and worn out and yet I guess that is what makes it worth the fight.... knowing that if the resolve stands, the Lord is glorified and you feel more equipped the next time.....  Right, isn't that how it works?  Let's hope or my resolve will feel discouraged already and it has only a morning......


  1. Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let them say among the nations, "The LORD reigns!" I Chronicles 16:31

    But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; may those who love your salvation always say, "The LORD be exalted!" Psalm 40:16

    It really is all about HIM . . . focusing on HIM makes everything else come into much clearer perspective!

    Thanks for the reminder, my FRIEND!

  2. Resolve is good and so hard when you live an open book with so many. God is working in and through you. Love your runs and how God speaks to you in them. Praise Him for you and John We love you guys. I find myself wishing I was funny like you and resolving that God knew what He did when He made me. Love you.

  3. Just remember Daniel...he resolved in his heart not to defile himself with what was not of God...and the Lord gave him every bit of strength he needed to keep his resolve. I know He will do the same for you!!

  4. Corrie, it is Sunday June 7th and at 830am I am on the back porch sanctuary cuddled under my prayer shawl with Chuck, the youngest puppy and my lap buddy. . .the song birds have been unusually loud this AM and the squirrels have joined in the cacaphony. . .reading your journal and marveling over what a work the the Lord is doing in your life. . .after arriving with great hesistation He has used that prep time so wisely to bring you to this point of great anticipation. i will keep you and the rest of the family tightly wrapped in prayer all the while standing in amazement of the testimony of God's grace in your life. . .it is so full yet you are continually searching for more of God's fullness. . .sounds like a full summer doing what you and John do so well. . .envious of the interns as well as the groups that have the privelege of spending time with you. . .take care. SD

  5. Cor,

    WOW! It is Sunday morning and we're about to leave for worship and a feast. Your words helped me get my own head in gear for the opportunity of this morning. Thank you.


